Dublin , Ireland

Oct.17-19, 2019

About FCPAE & AIAM2019

FCPAE2019 & International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM2019) will be held in Dublin, Ireland between October 17 and 19, 2019.

FCPAE Europe Forum was founded by AICF and ASICEF in 2009. Since then, it has been successfully held for ten times in Paris (2009), Copenhagen (2010), Brussels (2011), Vienna (2012), The Hague (2013), Frankfurt (2014), Brussels (2015), Hillerød (2016), Paris (2017), and Helsinki (2018) respectively. It has attracted thousands of participants and become a platform with great influence in Chinese and European government, enterprises, scientific research institutions.

As an academic branch of FCPAE, AIAM2019 aims to bring together researchers and scientists from artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing, researchers from various application areas to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research. READ MORE >>

Keynote Speakers
  • Yike Guo:Academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, Academician of the Academy of Europe, Director of the Institute of Data Science of Imperial College London, Dean of the School of Computer Engineering and Science of Shanghai University.

    Research field:Distributed data mining, data science in grid computing, cloud computing, sensor networks, and life sciences.

  • Jianwei Zhang:Academician of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences,Professor of the University of Hamburg, Germany, Director of the Multimodal Technology Institute.

    Research field:Intellisense, machine learning, self-planning, multi-sensor information fusion, intelligent robots, multimodal human-computer interaction.

  • Xiaoming Fu:Tenured professor of University of Göttingen, Germany, Professor of Changjiang Scholars of Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University,Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

    Research field:Internet, mobile computing, cloud computing, big data and social networks.

  • Jingsha He:Professor of Beijing University of Technology &Leading Professor for "Chutian Scholar Program" of Hubei Province.

    Research field:Computer networks, information safety, 3D printing, big data and cloud computing security, digital forensics.

  • Haixiang Lin: Professor of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, “Professor of Jinsha Scholars” of Zhejiang University of Technology.

    Research field:High performance computing, parallel distribution algorithms, large-scale complex system modeling and simulation.

  • Shaofan Wu:Researcher of Haixi Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctoral Supervisor.

    Research field:New functional materials such as lasers and nonlinear optical crystals, scintillation crystals and scintillation ceramics.

  • Daizhong Su:Professor of Design Engineering, Head of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Nottingham Trent University.

    Research field: Integrated design and manufacture, sustainable production, circular economy, mechanical transmission.

  • Junhua Xu:Researcher of Joint laboratory of French Atomic Energy Commission, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

    Research field:recycling and utilization of waste intelligent manufacturing products.

  • Jun Li:Researcher of Haixi Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    Research field:self-adaptation control, cognitive system modeling, man-machine interaction, neural network, robot control technology.

Submission Instructions

FCPAE & AIAM2019 follows the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct. This Conference does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author replicating a significant part of another's work without acknowledging him/her or passing another's work off as his/her own are not tolerated and not published.

All authors submitting their works to the AIAM2019 for publication as original works confirm that the submitted papers are their own contributions and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works.

Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of each accepted submission. The AIAM2019 guarantees that the entire peer review and publication process is meticulous and objective. Furthermore, all works not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication if malpractice is revealed at any time even after the publication. Every case of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing will be reported.

Important Dates

  • Last date for full paper submission:

    June 30, 2019

    Extended until July 25

  • Last date for paper acceptance:

    June 30, 2019

    Extended until August 10

  • Last date for registration:
    July 30, 2019

  • Conference date:
    October 17-19, 2019

Contact Us

  • Ms.Linda You
    Dr. Linhua Jiang

  • aiam@iaast.cn

  • 0086-18003862371
